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Laundry Pickup & Delivery Plugin for WooCommerce v-1.0.2 released

Whats added in version 1.0.2

  1. In some language date picker calendar facing issue regarding matched weekday, like if delivery allowed on Monday it was allowing to select Tuesday instead. Its fixed now in this version.
  2. Category based checkout page introduced, so when cart contains non laundry products only, it will not ask for pickup and delivery date time on checkout page.
  3. Soap stocking features added. Now you can keep track on how many soap(or soap unit) you have in stock and when you need to restock soaps for new orders.

This version is tested with
WP version: 5.2.2
WC version: 3.7.0
PHP version: 7.0.31

View plugin details here.

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WooODT Extended v-1.1.0 released

WooODT Extended Updates released

Whats added in version 1.1.0

  1. One page checkout by default and additional settings to disable steps.
  2. Hide order type selection if shop is for either pickup or delivery only
  3. Widget correction.
  4. Fixed – Van management not saving data on 1st click.
  5. Remove cart Item data from footer(on some theme it printed cart item array on footer).
  6. Auto configuration on installation of plugin.
  7. Fixed – date field should not be edited manually, its now read only and accept dates from date picker calendar only.
  8. Avoid location, date and time selection when cart contains virtual products only.
  9. Option to set different custom slot for each of 7 days of a week.
  10. Per day total order control (includes order count for each location (With WooODT extended Order limit addon))
  11. Override total number of allowed order for certain calendar date(s) (With WooODT extended Order limit addon).
  12. Exclude specific categories from per day order limiting (With WooODT extended Order limit addon).
  13. Order placing cutoff time for same day delivery.
  14. Order placing cutoff time for same day pickup.
  15. Order type selection label itself looked like a choice after WC updated to 3.6.2, its fixed in this version.

This version is tested with
WP version: 5.2.1
WC version: 3.6.4
PHP version: 7.0.31

View plugin details here.

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Restaurant Menu Rotation Plugin – v1.0.1 released

Whats added in version 1.0.1

  1. Pre-order days settings field added.
  2. “Add to cart” button text customization settings added.

Pre-order days settings field added.
Now you can decide how may days to allow for pre-ordering. It will be commonly applied for each of products. So if pre-order days is as 7 days and say a product is available only on Friday then customers see a single date is available on date picker calendar to order. Similarly if you set pre-order days as 21 days then on the same product page date picker calendar will show 3 dates as available. These dates are  those who falls on Friday.

“Add to cart” button text customization settings added.
Now you can change the add to cart button text from plugin settings field. Like you can put it as “Select delivery date for this product” or what suits you best. You can put any regional language.

This version tested with
WP version: 4.9.9
WC version: 3.5.2
PHP version: 7.0.31

View plugin details here.


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Laundry Pickup & Delivery Plugin for WooCommerce – v1.0.1 released

Whats added in version 1.0.1

  1. Category based minimum service days.
  2. Checkout steps got a graphical representation like progress bar.

Category based minimum service days.
Now you can set different number of days required for servicing of each type of products, like when t-shirt can be picked up and delivered within same day but a jeans will require minimum 2 days and a carpet may take up to 4 days, so when customer place an servicing order with mix categories products in cart, the plugin will provide maximum number of days as servicing day, like if pickup date is selected 3rd of any month then soonest delivery date can be chosen as 5th of the same month if order contain t-shirt and jeans. If order contain a carpet as well then the soonest delivery date will be 7th of the same month.
Click here to know more.

Checkout steps got a graphical representation like progress bar.
While checking out a progress bar with steps indicator is added at top of checkout page.

This version tested with
WP version: 4.9.8
WC version: 3.4.4
PHP version: 7.0.31

View plugin details here.

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WooCommerce Personalized Greeting Card v-2.0.0 released

What’s new in version 2.0.0

  1. Greeting card size changed to A4 paper size that is 297mm by 210mm (Landscape mode).
  2. Admin can create as many occasion options as required like card for birthday/anniversary/Christmas…
  3. Admin can upload multiple background image as many as wished for each occasion.

Customer will will have in card editor like they are writing on card to generate preview of the greeting card.

Read “How to” guide here WooCommerce Personalized Greeting Card – configuration

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Weight Based Dynamic Shipping Charge for WooCommerce v-1.0.3 released

Version 1.0.3 allow shop owners to disable delivery date time input for specific zip codes too(previously it was limited to state only), so you can ask desired delivery date time for more specific areas based on your business nature.

For details about how it works and how to set it up please follow this article
How to set up shipping charge for same day, next day and day after tomorrow delivery

Check the states and zip codes where we dont want to ask for delivery date time

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Weight Based Dynamic Shipping Charge for WooCommerce v-1.0.1 released

Version 1.0.1 is introduced with following feature
Extra shipping charge for  same day delivery / pickup.
Extra shipping charge for next day delivery / pickup.
Extra shipping charge for day after tomorrow delivery / pickup.

For details about how it works and how to set it up please follow this article
How to set up shipping charge for same day, next day and day after tomorrow delivery

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WooODT Extended v- released

Version brings following new features.

  1. Delivery/pickup time slot.
  2. Order placing cut off time for next day delivery/pickup.
  3. Short code for list up delivery/pickup points.
  4. Short code for producing date, time and location input fields for order delivery/pickup.
  5. Short code to show delivery/pickup date, time and location for placed order.

Delivery/pickup time slot
Now you can show delivery/pickup time as time range to be chosen by customers, the dot time by 15 minutes interval still present in system and you will have options to select either show timing as dot times by 15 minutes interval or as a time range ie, 9.00AM – 9.30AM / 9.30AM – 10.00AM /…..

WooODT Extended-v1.0.5.0-time-display-settings-backend

Order placing cut off time for next day delivery/pickup
Now you can set up a cut off time for next day delivery and pickup individually. As an example for next day delivery customers need to place the order before 2PM.


Short code for list up delivery/pickup points

[WooODT_Extended_pickup_points show_weekdays='YES' show_email='YES' sort_by_alphabetical='YES']


[WooODT_Extended_delivery_points show_weekdays='YES' show_email='YES' sort_by_alphabetical='YES']

Place above short codes on any page to list up delivery/pickup points.

Short code for producing date, time and location input fields for order delivery/pickup
Put below short code on anywhere where you need to capture order delivery/pickup date, time and location from customer.

[WooODT_Extended_Widget width="300px" ]

Example output of this short code is as below image
WooODT Extended-widget-shortcode-output

Short code to show delivery/pickup date, time and location for placed order
Put below shot code where you need to show order type,date,time and location for a placed order, you need to pass the order id as below

[WooODT_Extended_display_order_date_time_location order_id=76]

Example output of this short code is as below image

WooODT Extended-order-date-time-loaction-shortcode-output

View product WooODT Extended

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WooODT Order Details version 2.0.0 released

Update your copy of WooODT Order Details plugin to work with WooCommerce 3.0 ( any WC version >=2.7)

WooODT Order Details that allow you, to get product quantity sells record for each individual pickup and delivery points is now ready to work with WooCommerce version 3.0, all you need to get it downloaded from your “My Account -> Downloads” section and update it over your old version that is v-1.0.0.

NB: This version has exactly same features but will work if your store runs WooCOmmerce version >= 2.7

If your store runs still on WooCommerce version <=2.6 then you don’t get updated with this version, the previous version will work for you.