Whats added on Pickup | Delivery | Dine-in – Pro version 1.0.2
- Pickup/delivery/dine-in orders calendar added. Now you can see all your orders on calendar view.
- Casual holiday calendar & National holiday calendar added.
Pickup | Delivery | Dine-in calendar
Check all your upcoming deliveries, pickups & dine-in orders on a monthly calendar view. The calendar page show you how many orders you have on each date and whether the order is for delivery or pickup or dine-in booking. It also show the order number, name of customer, order type as delivery/pickup/dine-in, time to delivery/pickup/dine-in and order total amount. You can navigate the calendar to previous & next month.

Casual & National holiday calnedar
You can set casual holiday & national holiday on yearly calendar, Where causal holiday is applicable to only current year & national holidays repeat on each year.

This version is tested with
WordPress version: 5.8.3
WooCommerce version: 6.1.1
PHP version: 7.4
View plugin details here.