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WooODT Extended v-1.1.0 released

WooODT Extended Updates released

Whats added in version 1.1.0

  1. One page checkout by default and additional settings to disable steps.
  2. Hide order type selection if shop is for either pickup or delivery only
  3. Widget correction.
  4. Fixed – Van management not saving data on 1st click.
  5. Remove cart Item data from footer(on some theme it printed cart item array on footer).
  6. Auto configuration on installation of plugin.
  7. Fixed – date field should not be edited manually, its now read only and accept dates from date picker calendar only.
  8. Avoid location, date and time selection when cart contains virtual products only.
  9. Option to set different custom slot for each of 7 days of a week.
  10. Per day total order control (includes order count for each location (With WooODT extended Order limit addon))
  11. Override total number of allowed order for certain calendar date(s) (With WooODT extended Order limit addon).
  12. Exclude specific categories from per day order limiting (With WooODT extended Order limit addon).
  13. Order placing cutoff time for same day delivery.
  14. Order placing cutoff time for same day pickup.
  15. Order type selection label itself looked like a choice after WC updated to 3.6.2, its fixed in this version.

This version is tested with
WP version: 5.2.1
WC version: 3.6.4
PHP version: 7.0.31

View plugin details here.

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WooODT Extended v- released

Version brings following new features.

  1. Delivery/pickup time slot.
  2. Order placing cut off time for next day delivery/pickup.
  3. Short code for list up delivery/pickup points.
  4. Short code for producing date, time and location input fields for order delivery/pickup.
  5. Short code to show delivery/pickup date, time and location for placed order.

Delivery/pickup time slot
Now you can show delivery/pickup time as time range to be chosen by customers, the dot time by 15 minutes interval still present in system and you will have options to select either show timing as dot times by 15 minutes interval or as a time range ie, 9.00AM – 9.30AM / 9.30AM – 10.00AM /…..

WooODT Extended-v1.0.5.0-time-display-settings-backend

Order placing cut off time for next day delivery/pickup
Now you can set up a cut off time for next day delivery and pickup individually. As an example for next day delivery customers need to place the order before 2PM.


Short code for list up delivery/pickup points

[WooODT_Extended_pickup_points show_weekdays='YES' show_email='YES' sort_by_alphabetical='YES']


[WooODT_Extended_delivery_points show_weekdays='YES' show_email='YES' sort_by_alphabetical='YES']

Place above short codes on any page to list up delivery/pickup points.

Short code for producing date, time and location input fields for order delivery/pickup
Put below short code on anywhere where you need to capture order delivery/pickup date, time and location from customer.

[WooODT_Extended_Widget width="300px" ]

Example output of this short code is as below image
WooODT Extended-widget-shortcode-output

Short code to show delivery/pickup date, time and location for placed order
Put below shot code where you need to show order type,date,time and location for a placed order, you need to pass the order id as below

[WooODT_Extended_display_order_date_time_location order_id=76]

Example output of this short code is as below image

WooODT Extended-order-date-time-loaction-shortcode-output

View product WooODT Extended

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WooODT Order Details version 2.0.0 released

Update your copy of WooODT Order Details plugin to work with WooCommerce 3.0 ( any WC version >=2.7)

WooODT Order Details that allow you, to get product quantity sells record for each individual pickup and delivery points is now ready to work with WooCommerce version 3.0, all you need to get it downloaded from your “My Account -> Downloads” section and update it over your old version that is v-1.0.0.

NB: This version has exactly same features but will work if your store runs WooCOmmerce version >= 2.7

If your store runs still on WooCommerce version <=2.6 then you don’t get updated with this version, the previous version will work for you.

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WooODT Extended v- released

We are happy to announce release of WooODT Extended v-

View product WooODT Extended

Version is introduced with couple of extra feature.

  1. Delivery and pickup timing based on each week days and for each individual location, you can make service off for specific weekdays for any individual location.
  2. Add an extra email address for each delivery and pickup location to receive new order notification mail whenever that location received an order, your original admin new order notification email will remain same to admin email address

Plugin settings page to set up day based timing for each locationday-based-timing-for-each-location-backend

Same is reflected on checkout page, customers can select only dates from only allowed days


Based on the date selected plugin generates timing based on the day fall on selected date


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Upgrading WooODT Extended to

If you have any older version of WooODT EXtended that is lower than vaerion and wish to upgrade it to or later, then must follow this steps else simply over writing the old plugin files will not work here.

1) Delete all location created by you and note it down

2) Then upload the new version files through FTP
uninstall the old plugin from wp-admin and then install the new plugin

3) After upload/install the new version go to “Location settings” menu and re-enter the locations

If you leave blank for timing for any delivery/pick up location then the timing form main setting page will be used for that location

If you leave empty the minimum cart value or put it as 0(zero) then no minimum cart value will be considered for that location.

Download WooODT Extended v-

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WooODT Extended v- released

We are happy to announce release of WooODT Extended v-

View product WooODT Extended

Features added on version as below:

Version is introduced with an extra option for delivery/pick up time, so far as in v- we had delivery/pick up time drop-down and only an accurate time could be selected, in v- an extra option is added for time selection and that is  as “As early as possible”.

SO from v- your customers can select an accurate time or they can select “As early as possible” option, this text can be customized from “Features Settings” menu of the plugin.


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WooODT Extended v- released

We are happy to announce release of WooODT Extended v-

View product WooODT Extended

Features added on version as below:

  1. Location based delivery/pickup time
    • Set different delivery time for each delivery location you add
    • Set different pick-up time for each pick-up location you add
  2. Minimum order value for each delivery/pick-up location
    • Option to set minimum order value for each delivery location you add
    • Option to set minimum order value for each pick-up location you add
  3. Date format settings
    You can set date format you want to display on

    • Customer order details page
    • Admin order details page
    • Customer email
    • Admin new order email

Date format can be set as below format

  • Y-m-d
  • d-m-Y
  • m-d-Y
  • 25th-May-2015

pickup-location-based-timing-with-min-order-value-v1-0-3-0 delivery-location-based-timing-with-min-order-value-v1-0-3-0date-fromat-settings-v1-0-3-0