Logistics and courier service plugin for WooCommerce

(1 customer review)


Turn your WooCommerce store as a logistic transport/pickup and delivery business with logistics and courier service plugin for WooCommerce. Let your service buyers to choose from where and when to pickup the shipment as well as where and when to deliver it, show the pickup and delivery location on Google map and charge them based on distance to travel. Business owner can set up charges by kilometre.


  1. Ask for shipment pickup address on checkout page.
  2. Ask for shipment delivery address on checkout page..
  3. Calculate distance between two addresses.
  4. Show the route on Google map.
  5. Add charge based on calculated distance * cost per kilometre.
  6. Admin can set charge per kilometre.
  7. Add your own time slot for pickup/delivery time.
  8. Fixed cost up to certain kilometre. (from v-1.0.1)
  9. Option to apply tax on total delivery cost. (from v-1.0.1)
  10. Setup pickup holidays.
  11. setup delivery holidays.
  12. Get customized copy based on your requirements.


  1. WooCommerce
  2. Google Map API key
  3. SSL (preferred)



logistics and courier service plugin for WooCommerce

Let your customers to select a date, time and provide pickup address and a date time for delivery with delivery address. This plugin will show the rout map on google map and calculate the distance to travel, and based on distance it will calculate the payable amount as per your predefined cost per kilometre. The calculated cost will be displayed as delivery charge and be added in cart total.

Collect pickup date and time with address
On checkout page customers need to provide an address for pickup as well as a date and time for pickup. You can setup pickup schedule for each of seven days in back-end.

Collect delivery date time and address
On checkout page customers need to provide an address for delivery as well as a date and time for delivery. You can setup delivery schedule for each of seven days in back-end.

Calculate distance to travel and show route map with google map.
Logistics and courier service plugin for WooCommerce calculate route distance of customer’s pickup and delivery address by help of Google map API and show the route on Google map on same checkout page.

Charge customers as cost per kilometre.
You can set cost per kilometreon back-end settings page, and transport cost will be calculated based on that unit cost.

Email all info to customer and shop manager/admin
Once order placed Logistics and courier service plugin for WooCommerce includes same pickup and delivery info(ie; date time address) in new order notification mail as well as in order details page of admin side and customer side.

Note that this plugin will require a Google map API key and SSL is preferred.


1 review for Logistics and courier service plugin for WooCommerce

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